Soil conditioners / manures / fertilisers / compost

Soil… most people just think of it as dirt, something to grow a few plants in, and maybe something to play in when you are young. However, (healthy) soil is a living, breathing organism, vital for the health and well-being of our precious plants out in the garden. And just as we feed and nurture our plants, so must we feed and nurture our soils.

Compost is able to be broken down in the soil releasing nutrients for plants, All types of soil benefit from the addition of compost, as the presence of organic material in the soil introduces microbes and worms which break down the compost. And as we all know, worms are the gardener’s best friend! Even heavy clay can be greatly improved by the addition of compost. Don’t break your back trying to dig up heavy clay. Just add a generous layer of compost on top of the soil, cover with lots of mulch. After a few months you will find an enormous amount of worm activity has taken place, which will have broken up the clay, improved the texture of the soil, and subsequently improved the drainage too.

Manures & composts improve soil condition over time by:

  • Increasing water retaining capacity and drainage.
  • Improving soil texture
  • Encouraging (good) bacterial and fungal activity
  • Returning/unlocking depleted nutrients.

To find out which manure is right for you go to: Which manure should you choose?